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Robert J. Andrews:  America's Byzantine Mosaic Iconographer

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Who is Robert J. Andrews?

Robert J. Andrews, now 96 years old, taught art education in public schools in Massachusetts for 38 years. After 18 years of teaching, he began his iconography career reviving Byzantine mosaic iconography in the United States.  During his 56-year career as an iconographer, he designed and installed mosaic icons at 43 sites including 38 churches across the United States, Canada and in London, England.  He has major work in 12 churches.  His works depict the life of Christ, the Virgin Mary, the Apostles and the Saints.  He works with smalti glass from Italy, using a palette of 5,000 colors.  Generally, each square foot of his mosaic contains approximately 400 pieces of thumb-nail sized glass.  

Robert J. Andrews Work

Photo Credit : Pete Smith Photography

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Most of content is derived from conversations between Robert J. Andrews (RJA) and Joyce Bavlinka (jb).
Interviews were conducted during the Summer and Fall of 2021.

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